Motor Vehicle Inspections

MVI’s for Nova Scotia

Once a passenger vehicle is three years old, it requires an inspection every two years in Nova Scotia. If a used car is bought from a dealer, it’s the dealer’s responsibility to ensure that an inspection has been passed within 30 days before the sale date, or else the buyer must agree in writing to purchase the vehicle as-is. In a private sale, the inspection can be completed by either the buyer or seller, but it must take place before the ownership is transferred unless the buyer and seller agree in writing to transfer the vehicle as-is, in which case it needs to pass inspection before it can be registered.

A vehicle entering Nova Scotia from another jurisdiction must pass inspection within 30 days of entering the province and before registration is completed. An exemption exists for vehicle ownership transferred between immediate family members. Certificates issued by New Brunswick or Prince Edward Island are valid in Nova Scotia until expiry.

A motor vehicle inspection also keeps your vehicle in good working order while keeping you and your family safe when travelling.

What’s included/checked in an MVI:

  • Suspension and steering systems
  • Tires and wheels
  • Signals and lights
  • Fuel and exhaust systems
  • Safety controls
  • Braking materials and condition of the system
  • Windshield and glass and other body components

An MVI catches a problem you’re unaware of allowing you to fix it before you encounter a costly breakdown or accident.

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6041 Stairs St, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 2E6

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